Nov – Feb is coffee fruit season.
It’s the harvest season for coffee , this decides the economy and future of coffee improvement of the area’s.
The coffee is a lower canopy forest.
Wild life thrive during coffee fruit season.
Aerborial mammals like monkey ride estate in big numbers they love eating the coffee fruit pulp and spilt out beans all over the place. This beans are called monkey coffee it’s hard to collect as they split all over.
Grey hornbills often found on tree top which loves coffee cherry fruit. It’s fabalous to see hornbill sitting on coffee shrub and picking perfectly ripped coffee We can try to contact them I can send green or roasted beans with it’s big beak.
Coffee harvest is a feast for land mammals like Sambar which hangs around coffee eaate. They pick only big sized beans n secrete out.
It also host small mammals like porquipine which eats pulp and secrete out in different pattern than other small mammals.
Civets is exotic species which shows it’s existence by coffee pulp and it’s secrete coffee as a long strip. The secreted coffee is parchmented inside civet and creates a unique taste. It’s also one of the expensive coffee variety called civet coffee.
In India civet is a scheduled animal and raring it is illegal. Civet coffee sourced from India are naturally produced and not by captive civets.
mentioned above and other small and large wild animals roams and live in coffee estates of India.
Indian coffee is most sustainable and naturally grown and is the most wildlife friendly.
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